Philippe stares at the shadowy white wall underneath the sofa. Eyes of steel! Dust Bunny power! Out in a flush, Philippe flurries out, mad-dog faced and furiously, flinging particles in the direction of Jeremiad! Scouring across the carpet, the DB reaches across and pounds down on the poor elderly robot! Jeremiad wobbles a bit...a "do not disturb" LED flashes slower and slower at Philippe. DB summons the power of a hurricane.
Outside the air dampens. Clouds threaten the once beautiful sunny skies. A whirl off the coast of Georgia forms, quickly it swirls, and the rains come for the first time this year. Drought conditions suddenly turn muddled and flooding commences. A little river forms outside my ocean-front property...the form takes the disposition of a lake and increase twice per hour.
Philippe, to its amazement, hails the Zephyr of the Flamingo to blow in the window. A rush of droplets form into a layer of water, resembling a flamingo, gradually invade Jeremiad! Before Jeremiad has time to "wake", a crushing wave of rain water drenches the robot and soaks the floor. Philippe tries casting a reverse to the west wind and hurricane, but cannot....."OHHH, too weak am I." Slopping back to the haven of darkness, the sheeting rain collapses the demeanor of Philippe. "I am wet!" Dragging what is left, Philippe manages to roll underneath the sofa.
I bust in the door, almost hingeless, looking for the balance to keep from toppling over. The windows, the sofa, the floor.....everything drenched! How could I have been unaware that the friggin window was open?! Two fingers grasp the top of the window and...SLAM! Back I lurched and was swept off my feet by the edge of the oriental rug! Two feet closer and Jeremiad would have been history! But, look, HEY? Jeremiad? You no longer blink? What has happened? Rising from the floor, curses of everything from Jesus to the fox and the hound rush out from my mouth! Slamming the door behind me, I hurry along to find a mop, a bucket, and cash.....
The hinges give way as the wooden door crashes to the floor and slightly angles, waiting for the chance to slide across the wooden waterland.
Laughter is heard from underneath the couch, but also are moans of the wounded.